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Promissory Payback

Laurel Dewey

Promissory Payback

Story Plant paperback

ISBN: 978-1-61188-007-6

Fiction Studio Books e-book

ISBN: 978-1-61188-012-0

Publication date: August 2, 2011

80 pages


“Laurel Dewey has spun a short but potent mystery thriller that gradually reveals startling and unsuspected clues evolving into quite a surprising solution that will amaze readers.”

— Crystal Book Reviews

Jane Perry
In this short novella that takes place between the second and third novels in the series (Redemption and Revelations), Jane is thrown into a good old-fashioned murder case with a female victim who seems to have deserved her grisly death and a cast of suspects that appear to each have a reason to want her dead.


Carolyn Handel
The murder victim – and what a woman she was. Cruel and calculating, manipulating and close to being a sociopath, Carolyn Handel used her stunning looks and enigmatic beauty to trap and deceive people her entire life. But someone decided it was time for Carolyn’s reign of fraud and theft to end.


Laura Abernathy
A friend of the victim since childhood, Laura was the unlucky person who discovered Carolyn. With a sweet grin and elderly charm, Laura is at her wit’s end after this gruesome murder of her oldest friend.


The Suspects:


Joe Harvey
The victim’s nephew, Joe runs a Denver non-profit consulting firm that seeks to “Bring People In Need Together.” Unfortunately, Joe and his deceased aunt never came together or saw eye-to-eye on anything. He hated the way she flaunted her wealth and threw her weight around with no compassion for anyone else. And he’s not sorry one bit that she’s dead.


Jacque Wilde
Owner of Crown Travel, Jacque is a single mom with a twenty-eight-year-old son who suffers from a serious heart defect. She didn’t know the victim, but she is friends with Joe Harvey. Jacque struggles daily with the fact that her son needs an expensive surgery that could resolve his lifelong illness but they can’t afford it. Money can be a good motive for murder…..


Charley P. Hall
A former POW from Vietnam, Charley’s life has spun out of control. He’s living with his stripper daughter in a crappy house and an even crappier neighborhood. Nine months ago, he lost his home to foreclosure after his savings were wiped out, thanks to none other than Carolyn Handel. Charley makes no bones about it – he’s not sorry one bit that Carolyn is laying on a slab.


Raymond Honeycutt
A miserable soul, Raymond lost his left leg to diabetes and is stuck inside a Denver hospital, desperate for his next pain pill. He hates Carolyn Handel with a hardcore passion and is not afraid to tell everyone about it.


Laurel Dewey’s Detective Jane Perry is quickly becoming one of the most distinctive, dynamic, and unforgettable characters in suspense fiction today. She’s rock hard, but capable of extraordinary tenderness. She’s a brilliant cop, but she’s capable of making life-altering mistakes. She’s uncannily talented, and she’s heartbreakingly human.


In this novella, Jane is called in to investigate the gruesome murder of a woman who profited greatly from the misfortunes of others. The case leaves Jane with little question about motive...and with a seemingly endless number of suspects.

About the Author...

Laurel Dewey (edited)

Bookreporter says, “Laurel Dewey has definitely earned a place in any discussion of the top mystery authors of the present day.” Over the years, the creative team at The Story Plant has been involved in the development of many of the suspense genre’s brightest stars. When we first read national bestselling author Laurel Dewey, we knew we were meeting a writer with as much storytelling energy and raw emotional power as any we’d encountered. Readers share our enthusiasm, writing rhapsodically about their experiences with her novels and their emotional connection with Dewey’s unforgettable main character, Detective Jane Perry. Meanwhile, Dewey's standalone novel, Betty's (Little Basement) Garden will let you see the world in a completely different way, and Dewey can even help you grow healthier plants.

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