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Blood, Light & Time

James LePore

Blood, Light & Time

Fiction Studio Books e-book

ISBN: 978-1-943486-86-1

Publication date: February 29, 2016

170 pages


“Jim LePore is a great discovery.”

— New York Times bestselling author William Landay

Here is a truly unique reading experience from a master storyteller dubbed “a great discovery” by New York Times bestselling author William Landay. A stunning melding of image and prose, Blood, Light & Time is a collection of fifty-two short fiction pieces that concentrate their considerable impact in brief, potent passages, each married to one of the author’s distinctive photographs. Within these pages, you’ll meet the driven, the desperate, the lost, the rediscovered, the alien, the shockingly familiar, and so many other characters who will resonate long after you meet them and build in power as more and more of them take residence in your soul.


Likely to be one of the most original and engrossing reads you’ve had in a long while, Blood, Light & Time redefines the potential of flash fiction.

About the Author...

James LePore (edited)

New York Times bestselling author William Landay said, "Jim LePore is a great discovery." Blogcritics called his first novel, A World I Never Made, “An outstanding first novel, and a wonderful thriller.” Of his most recent novel, The Fifth Man, Tome Tender said, "This is another great read from James LePore, who seems to have a knack for writing dark, gritty and gripping scenes with characters that can make your skin crawl and will have you looking over your shoulder." LePore’s brilliance is his ability to create complex, relatable characters and place them in tense situations where their very humanity comes into question. The result is stirring fiction that hits you in the gut and the heart at the same time.


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