
Mar 23, 20234 min read
SS Turner: The Truth About Living in Rural Australia
After spending most of our respective adult lives’ travelling the world, my wife and I moved to a small rural community in the Sunshine...

Nov 5, 20223 min read
Peter Marlton: The Power of Love
I’ve been a public defender in Seattle for twenty-two years, tried many adult and juvenile cases, and negotiated plea agreements more...

Jul 29, 20222 min read
Steven Manchester: The Spirit of Santa Claus
A few years back, my son Jacob returned home heart-broken from school. “What’s wrong?” I asked him. “Some kids at school were laughing at...

Jun 21, 20223 min read
Cara Sue Achterberg: Writing Therapy
Recently I spent some time with a young moms’ group. As I talked, toddlers swirled around us, and a few moms nursed babies. I’d had the...

Jun 28, 20183 min read
Marcia Gloster: Not Quite Benign
It seems simplistic in light of what has been transpiring since last fall (Harvey Weinstein et al, #metoo #timesup etc.), but a couple of...

Feb 8, 20183 min read
Marcia Gloster: My Muse, My Love
Love passed, the muse appeared, the weather of mind got clarity newfound; now free, I once more weave together emotion, thought and magic...

Nov 10, 20173 min read
Marcia Gloster: I Refuse to Become My Mother
It’s pretty common wisdom that the way we parent is significantly influenced by the way we, in turn, were parented as children. That...

Nov 9, 20172 min read
Susan Petrone: When Our Mothers Die, We Become Unmoored
When our mothers die we come unmoored. There is no one to call on a Wednesday night to ask how you can tell if frozen food is still good;...

Nov 6, 20172 min read
Molly D. Campbell: As Parenting Mistakes Unfold
We do the best we can as parents. After all, there is no instruction manual. No required classes to take. No certification. People just...

Oct 31, 20172 min read
KJ Steele: The One Hundred Percent Fallacy
You hear it all the time. Marriage is a fifty-fifty proposition. You have to give your one hundred percent. The math in this statement...