
May 18, 20236 min read
Jon Papernick: Israel's Inspiration Got Me Back to Writing
Whenever I spend time in Israel I always feel like a more fully realized version of myself — healthier, happier, part of a historical...

Nov 7, 20229 min read
John Adcox: Complete
Can fantasy be myth? Mythopoeia and The Lord of the Rings In June of 1999, I traveled to England for the first time. After a few days in...

Jul 27, 20223 min read
Lynn Voedisch: Open the Door and Let Me In
There’s a strange phenomenon that happens to some fiction writers that seems impossible to explain to rational-minded outliners. That’s...

Jul 15, 20222 min read
Laura Drake: Where Do Ideas Come From?
Do you know Kimberly Brock? If you don’t, you should. She is a true natural story-teller; one of those authors that I envy. Her writing...

Jul 13, 20223 min read
Bruce Ferber: Crown of Creation
This post from Bruce marks the end of the I Buried Paul book tour! Want to check out all the stops on the tour? Head on over to Pump Up...

Jun 29, 20222 min read
Laura Drake: Motorcycles
I'm a bit - quirky. I ride a motorcycle. A lot. I rode 100,000 miles behind my husband before learning to ride my own. I've since logged...

Jun 27, 20224 min read
Judith Arnold: Thinking in Words
I still recall the day I ran into a classmate in college and asked her why she was beaming a megawatt smile. She told me she had just...

Jun 17, 20223 min read
Tom Avitabile: The Write Place
A booth at a diner in Jersey, the knee knocker seat on the LIRR, or on my lap sitting in a chaise on the beach in Puerto Rico, even in a...