
Nov 23, 20226 min read
Ken Goldstein: I’m Out on Meta
“Someone has to tell me why we keep allowing social media and our very lives as social creatures to be dictated by the most socially...

Nov 21, 20223 min read
SS Turner: A Day in the Life of this Writer
Some people believe writers are enigmatic figures who spend their days drinking alcohol and taking exotic drugs to enhance their...

Nov 9, 202213 min read
John Adcox: The Sword and the Grail
The Sword and the Grail: Restoring the Forgotten Archetype in Arthurian Myth A few years ago, I wrote an essay for a Jungian journal on...

Nov 7, 20229 min read
John Adcox: Complete
Can fantasy be myth? Mythopoeia and The Lord of the Rings In June of 1999, I traveled to England for the first time. After a few days in...

Nov 5, 20223 min read
Peter Marlton: The Power of Love
I’ve been a public defender in Seattle for twenty-two years, tried many adult and juvenile cases, and negotiated plea agreements more...

Nov 2, 20224 min read
Judith Arnold: First-Rate Second-Borns
I often wondered whether my sons read up on birth order theory while still in the womb. Embodying the theory, my first-born has always...